01 janvier 2007

( in english ) DECHIRURES Sire Cédric France 2005

"Dechirures" - published by "Nuit d'avril" - is a compilation of 9 short stories written between 1999 and 2005 by Sire Cedric, a young french writer ( see more details about him in my "Writers" files ).

As a child, I still remember having read some fairy tales having had on me some vivid impression - it is probably the case for many people - It was like going "behind the glass", like Alice in Wonderland, I mean, having the impression of really be in thoses imaginary landscapes.

With this compilation, it is the same, but for the grown ups, that is to say darker and more violent. Sire Cedric succeeds in taking you by the hand and telling you stories where the appearances are always misleading, where the end of the story is always surprising and never "cliché".

As Stephen King does, Sire Cedric manages from the first words to catch your attention with a very clever way of writing, and leads you slowly to go through these "dechirures" ( in english : Lacerations) made in the reality, and then, you attend to an amazing show : Twin sisters that everything opposes, specialy when one of them dies, the evilish meeting made by two "Goth" girls in a bar, hybrid creatures described by old indian legends but as real as you and me, a man attacked by skinheads and marked with a knife of a ...swastika, the nice story of a surnatural lady living in woods, a young girl attacked by delinquants in a bus ( poor guys ! ), a Death Metal band composed of evilish entities, and so on.

What is particulary interesting in those short stories, is that beyond surnatural facts and dark atmosphères, there is always a moral and some hope. The violence described is never a goal, and that is why the Sire Cedric's writing is so subtle, original and "tasty".

This book, which has not been written for childrens, won't let you intact. These stories, played in mega techicolor, extra large panoramic images and Dolby Surrond sound, will make you the same effect as a rollercoaster... If you begin to read this book an evening, as I did, I grant you you will not go to bed very early... This book is really worth reading, don't miss it.

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